Thursday, October 28, 2010

apples and pudding on the kitchen rug

that was our theme song last night!!  it made david dance and emily smile.  i make up silly songs when i'm in a stressful situation...try it, it helps!

last night, dinner started off a little rough.  well, kind of...ALOT rough!  emily was screaming like she was being beaten, she was throwing herself on the floor--scary stuff!  contrary to her screams, she was NOT being beaten...she was mad because david was playing with his trucks.  so i decided to whisk the two of them up for a bath.  it worked.  no, the tub was not filled with holy water to excercise her demons...but apparently it did wash away her crankies!  it was a nice night after that.  we went down to the kitchen where we all sat on our little kitchen rug and, you guessed it, ate apples and pudding!  hey, whatever works @ this point!!  we played, watched cartoons, and the two of them even sat with me at one point for a snuggle--at the same time!  good stuff.
this morning, emily was happy as a clam!


  1. That girl is so stinking cute I can't stand it! I laughed at the song thing....just yesterday my son was sitting on the potty singing "owie what I have....owie poop is what I have!

  2. Magic water, love it!!! She's such a pretty girl!
