Monday, February 1, 2010

i banish thee..

puke monster!!  good god...i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.  emily got it on friday night-saturday night.  i had it saturday night through yesterday.  ugh.  i actually slept on the bathroom floor for about an hour.  today, i'm exhausted.  david was the child from hell last night.  he didn't go to sleep until 1am.  umm, what's up with that?  i'm so aggrivated that i didn't get anything accomplished this weekend.  hubby was a rock star though.  he got all of the pukey laundry done and took care of the kids.  *sigh*  i love him.  hopefully i'll catch up on all of your blogs this week. 

ok...this is a super short post...but i've got to start eating again and getting back to some sort of routine.  is it possible to lose 7 lbs from puking and having the runs?!  its nuts i tell you. 


  1. im glad i cant catch that thru the computer! hope your life gets back to normal soon!

  2. Let's hope that is the END of THAT!

    And while you may have dropped some pounds - it's not the method I would recommend.

  3. I'm so sorry!!!!! I hope you recover quickly. You had to really be bad if you were lying on the bathroom floor.

  4. Honey I am so sorry, it seems like you guys are just getting hit with it this season. I am noticing that my son has had a nonstop runny nose since he started preschool.

  5. Hi :) I have an award waiting for you @

  6. Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon!
