Thursday, October 29, 2009

theta mom thursday

ok, so i tried very hard this week for my time out!! the last two weeks are been super busy...well, really this week is no exception, but i got my time out darn it!! i layed my tired butt on the couch while david took his morning nap. i'm not much of a napper...i try, but i just can not fall asleep. but it was nice to just veg in front of the tv and chill out! this is not an easy task for me. i usually have a project to do, laundry to fold, or dishes to wash...if you're a mom, you know what i'm talking about. there is always something to be done. i just had to take a step back and energize for a bit. hubby has been really stepping up his game, so he picked up my slack. i love him. ok, so it wasn't much this week, but it was enough to keep me going! this kids' costumes are done, i have baking to do in the next three days, and some dreading trick or treating in the rain--yuck! its a good thing they're so little, we can hit a couple of condos in my sister's complex then head back to her place and relax!!


  1. You're right, there is always something to be done as a mom! Glad you got some chill time in, so needed and I hope that your little guy is doing better. You've been through a lot, you deserve a million time outs mama! Thanks for linking and sharing.

  2. Glad you got in your hour this week.

  3. I have a hard time vegging without picking up the laundry to fold while I'm doing it so I can understand. There is always and will always be something to get done so taking that time is important because it doesn't happen all the time

  4. It is so hard to find something to actually call me time. So feeling you on this! Glad you were able to get it done!

    Happy timeout thursday. I finally got mine done yahoo!!!

  5. oh man I hate WV--drives me nuts having to type some crazy word it takes so long... I took mine off....

  6. Let me just say that when they are older (like 20, no just it DOES get better! Mine are now 19,17,15 and I'm telling you, I am finally finding 'me' time the last couple's WONDERFULICIOUS! lol

  7. Awww, good for you and good for hubby! I love vegging on the couch when it is quiet. Much better than when you have a little one pulling on your toe!
